Embrace Dissonance
I look at the world in its entirety – the day and the night, the sacred and the profane, the precious and the discarded.  Most of us are more comfortable having things be one way or the other— right or wrong, good or bad, but that isn’t reality.  Duality inspires me.

I am not easily categorized. I work in technology, purposeful, driven, results oriented.  I create art, purposeful, wandering, timeless. My work is progressive, futuristic, imaginative, the thrill of providing “what could be.”  Yes, I think out of the box but use analysis to build dreams systematically.  I balance realism with vision, live fully, work hard and lead with integrity.

I’m ok with the unknown and seeing it’s reflection in history unveiling, stories both interesting and repulsing, comfortable but uneasy which reveal secrets of our nature but might make you want to look away.